iSpec has been updated thanks to the contribution of several users:

  • Bug fix: Parameter determination not working properly from the visual interface
  • Bug fix: SME spectra was not correctly re-sampled before applying convolutions
  • MOOG now always computes molecular equilibrium for the most important species
  • Air <-> Vacuum conversion changed to follow IAU standard and VALD3

iSpec now supports several radiative transfer codes: SPECTRUM, Turbospectrum, SME, MOOG and SYNTHE/WIDTH9.

New version with only minor bug fixes such as:

  • Continuum fit was failing when the user has the latest version of the python dependencies.
  • The "Find line masks" option from the visual interface was not working.
  • The pre-processing stage of the iSpec pipeline failed when run in parallel.

Several important improvements were implemented in this new version:

  • iSpec now uses the SPECTRUM capabilities to compute synthetic spectra with hyperfine structure and isotopes
  • Alpha elements are automatically enhanced when the analysed stars are metal poor. It follows the standard mixture of the MARCS model atmosphere.
  • A complete automatic pipeline based on iSpec (synthetic spectral fitting technique) is released as an example (included in the virtual machine too).

iSpec is released for the first time to the scientific community. Detailed description in Blanco-Cuaresma et al. 2014.